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Elikkä siis tee ohjeitten mukaan (tosin huomaa että alunperin guide on tehty maginogiin, mutta samalla tavalla se toimii mapleenkin.
Ohjelma on testattu ja se toimii.
Elikkä siis tee ohjeitten mukaan (tosin huomaa että alunperin guide on tehty maginogiin, mutta samalla tavalla se toimii mapleenkin.
Ohjelma on testattu ja se toimii.
First download AOL from this site, European clients didn't work for me.
"Method C:
This method was recommended by Bakuryu, walkthrough written by Himako
Foreword by me:
Sign-up for an aol e-mail account.
Let's say your new e-mail is
When you get up to the last stage, your screen name is thisthing
Don't sign up using the AOL software. They will ask you about billing etc.
/end foreword
This is is short explaination on how to make a "Home Network under location" part when useing aol 9.0VR or later.
1. On the AOL Sign On screen, click the Connect Options button.
2. Click the Advanced Broadband Settings link.
3. Click the Continue button.
4. Click the Add a Broadband profile link. (Its in the top left corner of the Broadband tab you have to click on the drop-down menu that will be just under the sentence You are currently editing settings for.
5. In the Profile Name: box, type "Mabinogi" or something like it so you remember what profile this is, then click the Add button.
6. Abit further down you have the Connection Type click on the drop-down menu to open it, then select "Home Network" option by clicking it.
7. Click the Save button.
8. Now when you are back at the Sign on screen you just have to change the
Connection: drop-down menu to your profile "Mabinogi"
Now all you have to do is logon to your aol account and you will have a american ip to run mabinogi with .
~By Himako"
This guide isn't mine,credit goes to Martabak of Mabiguru Fansite
Viimeinen muokkaaja, Satellite pvm To Kesä 11, 2009 5:52 pm, muokattu 1 kertaa